Welcome to The Mad Dogs!
Website last
updated: 2024, November 25
What's new: Portrait videos on MadDogVoyager.com
Pollution, War, Hate, Greed & Climate Change!
Our Mad Dog site is not about our personal lives!
We are not trying to sell you anything or begging you for money. No selfies here, just photos and videos we have made ourselves while
sailing on our Canadian
sailing yacht Mad Dog Voyager. Cool things you might also
encounter if you explore the great outdoors yourself by whatever means!
Embrace life and
start exploring our planet before it is completely spoiled by trash,
pollution, hate, war & greed!
Learn more about The Mad Dogs
Mobile friendly ZEN slide albums &
A large collection of Mad Dog photos accumulated while travelling various places
around the world, with currently an emphasis on our time sailing the Canadian &
Alaskan coasts (9 years) on our sailing yacht
Mad Dog Voyager.
You have several mobile friendly photo albums (slideshows) to choose
from and several videos.
Visit The Mad Dogs photo
and video albums
Watch or download our 1:20 min ZEN album video
Learn more about our sailing
yacht Mad Dog Voyager
Why we are
ditching our Social
The Mad Dogs are friendly and social, but we are not
Social Media
friendly. Instead of spending hours maintaining social media sites, we
prefer to get out into nature. As such, our social media
presence is very limited and updates are very infrequent. Feel free
to share our images on social media pages, blogs or websites to
encourage others to enjoy the great outdoors! .
Need inspiration or a chuckle?
Visit entertainment sites created by the Mad Dogs!
smart with our Mad Dog Quotes
own wacky Hamster Brain Studio
Free ZEN aquarium videos by The Mad Dogs!
Start getting more out of your life!
So friends, get off the couch, Go out, explore and Live...
Try to be unique, be yourself & take control of your life,
before you know it, life is over........
Treat every one like you wanna be treated,
see how
that changes your
life! ~ Willie Nelson
Now friends, go out and explore!
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